Being Present, Creating Meaningful Memories: The Key to a Fulfilling Life

The article discusses how creating “dense memories” can enhance our perception of time and contribute to a fuller life. Neuroscience suggests that engaging in novel and meaningful experiences leads to richer memories, making time feel more expansive. By actively seeking out diverse activities and challenges, individuals can create a sense of time abundance, counteracting the feeling that life is passing too quickly. The piece emphasizes the importance of being present and fully immersing oneself in experiences to foster these dense memories, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

Editor’s Note: In the Philippines, we have an old adage which says, “kalabaw lang ang tumatanda” (Only carabaos age). We use it to encourage people to remain active, engaged, and youthful, in order to keep our vitality, and “defy” the idea of growing old. No wonder many elderly Filipinos retain their zest for life well into their old age!

But this pattern might be reversed all too easily, as more and more young Filipinos are starting to experience depression and other mental health concerns [see this and this for more information].

We know based on various researches that Gen Z has a different approach to life. Unlike their predecessors, they actively seek for meaningful experiences [Read these articles from our sister website, Growing Number of Gen Z Australians Identify as SpiritualEmbracing Slow Living: Millennials and Gen Z Cultivate Intentional Well-Being in a Chaotic WorldUnderconsumption Core: Focusing on the Essential and the Meaningful]. This generation seeks not just to exist but to truly live, embracing adventures that foster deep connections and lasting impact.

If a large number of young Filipinos are experiencing sadness and the soul loss, then there is something is wrong with our society. Is this due to a lack of opportunity to have rich experiences, or could this be due to changes in our values as a society?

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