Evolution is Purposeful, And It is Freaking Scientists Out

Denis Noble, a prominent biophysicist and systems biology pioneer, critiques the gene-centric model of biology that has dominated since the mapping of the human genome in 2003, arguing that it has failed to deliver on its promise of genetic cures for major diseases. Noble contends that evolution should be viewed as an organism-centered process driven…

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Neuroadaptability: What Is It And Why It’s Important

The article advocates for “neuroadaptability” over “neuroplasticity” to better capture the brain’s dynamic capacity for change, resilience, and adaptation, particularly in cult recovery. It critiques the notion of neuroplasticity as overly simplistic and potentially misleading, given its associations with plastic materials and the assumption of uniform change across all brain regions. By emphasizing neuroadaptability, the…

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Brains on Earth is Nearing a Transition: What Does This Mean for Humanity?

A study from Northwestern University has revealed that the brain’s structural features may exist near a critical point, akin to a phase transition. This point is characterized by high complexity and is observed in various organisms, including humans, mice, and fruit flies. Researchers found that brain samples exhibited properties associated with criticality, such as self-similar…

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Your Intuition Is Real

The article explores the complex interplay between intuition and rational decision-making, emphasizing the importance of listening to gut feelings in various situations. It shares the transformative story of Lynn Tilton, who, after a profound intuitive experience, shifted her career focus to helping struggling companies, ultimately saving hundreds of thousands of jobs. The piece highlights research…

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From Chaos to Complexity: Exploring the Interplay of Randomness, Evolution, and Spirituality in the Universe and Humanity

The article explores the origins of the universe and the interplay between randomness and evolution, as explained by chemist Lee Cronin. It begins with the Big Bang, forming matter, stars, and planets, ultimately resulting in life. Central to this discussion is quantum physics, which reveals that the universe operates on probabilities and randomness. This randomness…

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Awakening a Wondrous World Through Storytelling

In the ABC podcast episode “Awakening a Wondrous World Through Storytelling,” Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee explores the transformative power of storytelling in fostering a wiser and more beautiful world, even amidst crises. He likens stories to seeds that, when nurtured with attention, can cultivate landscapes filled with awe, wonder, reverence, and love. As the founder of Emergence…

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Bacteria Defy Genetic Norms, Challenging Materialist Science

A recent study from Columbia University has discovered that bacteria can produce free-floating genes, which challenges traditional understandings of genetic code and gene expression. This phenomenon, observed in the bacterium Mycobacterium smegmatis, suggests that these genes can exist independently of chromosomes, raising questions about the mechanisms of genetic regulation and adaptation in microbial life. This finding…

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Three Essential Elements of Creativity According to Oliver Sacks

In “The Creative Self,” Oliver Sacks explores the intricate relationship between imitation and originality in the creative process, arguing that true creativity often emerges from a foundation of influences and inspirations. He emphasizes that creativity is not an isolated act of genius but rather a journey that begins with absorbing ideas from others, which then…

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Tycho Brahe’s Alchemical Pursuits: A Multi-Faceted Approach to Knowledge

Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, renowned for his astronomical discoveries in the 16th century, also engaged in alchemy, conducting secret experiments in his laboratory at Uraniborg. Recent research analyzing glass and pottery shards excavated from the site has revealed unexpected findings, including traces of tungsten, which was not identified until 1781, long after Brahe’s death. The…

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Study Shows Unresponsive Patients Are Conscious

A study of 241 unresponsive patients with severe brain injuries found that up to 25% may exhibit “hidden consciousness,” showing brain activity consistent with following instructions, despite being unable to physically respond. This phenomenon, known as cognitive motor dissociation, suggests these patients are more aware of their surroundings than previously thought. The research highlights the…

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Being Present, Creating Meaningful Memories: The Key to a Fulfilling Life

The article discusses how creating “dense memories” can enhance our perception of time and contribute to a fuller life. Neuroscience suggests that engaging in novel and meaningful experiences leads to richer memories, making time feel more expansive. By actively seeking out diverse activities and challenges, individuals can create a sense of time abundance, counteracting the…

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A Short Argument Against the Materialist Account of the Mind

The article presents a concise argument against the materialist account of the mind, emphasizing the distinction between subjective thoughts and physical brain states. It references John Searle’s Chinese Room scenario to illustrate that while computers can process information syntactically, they lack genuine understanding or consciousness. The author proposes a thought experiment where an individual is…

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Why Materialism Cannot Explain Consciousness

In an interview, Dr. Michael Egnor discusses the limitations of materialism in explaining consciousness and the nature of reality. He argues that materialism, which posits that everything can be explained by physical processes, fails to account for the subjective experiences of consciousness and the existence of free will. Egnor emphasizes the importance of integrating insights…

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Awakening to Sentience: Rethinking Our Ethical Relationship with Animals

Peter Godfrey-Smith’s article, “Living on Earth,” serves as the conclusion to his trilogy exploring the evolution of intelligence across species, building on the themes introduced in his previous works, including Other Minds. In this piece, he emphasizes the role of living organisms as active agents that shape their environments, rather than merely as products of evolutionary…

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What Maslow Ommitted from His Paper: The Blackfoot World View, Where Self-Actualization Is The Norm

The article explores the influence of Blackfoot culture on Abraham Maslow’s theories, particularly his Hierarchy of Needs. It highlights Maslow’s transformative experience during his time with the Siksika people in 1938, where he observed a community characterized by cooperation, generosity, and high levels of life satisfaction, contrasting sharply with the individualism prevalent in Western society.…

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Rethinking Consciousness: Embracing a Holistic Paradigm Beyond Traditional Science

The following article is a conversation between Philip Goff, a philosopher and consciousness researcher at Durham University, and the Edge. In it, Goff proposes a scientific shift towards a post-Galilean Paradigm. Goff explores the challenges consciousness poses to contemporary science, tracing the roots of this dilemma back to Galileo’s assertion that mathematics should be the language of…

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Transforming Society: The Need for a New Cosmology and Personal Consciousness

In this article for the Kosmos Journal, Drew Dellinger explores how changing our worldview and story can transform society. It highlights the work of Thomas Berry, who argued that the ecological crisis stems from the limitations of our dominant cultural story. Berry believed a new cosmological story drawing on modern science could provide a sacred origin…

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Cultivating the Integral Heart: Embracing Compassion and Spiritual Connection for a Sustainable Future

In this October 2023 article, Brad Reynolds encourages readers to cultivate an “integral heart” by embracing a holistic, compassionate worldview that transcends narrow identities and embraces the interconnectedness of all beings. Reynolds also discusses the role of the heart in spiritual awakening, eventually leading to personal and societal transformation. Reynolds emphasizes that love is a…

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Beyond Reductionism—Understanding the True Power of the Human Mind

The article discusses how neuroscience is shedding light on spiritual experiences, with neurotheologist Dr. Andrew Newberg explaining that while there is no single “spiritual” part of the brain, these experiences involve complex interactions between various brain regions that typically don’t occur in the same way. Newberg notes that while spontaneous spiritual experiences are harder to…

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Fostering Human Connection to Heal Collective Trauma

The article discusses Global Social Witnessing (GSW), a practice that enhances our capacity to witness and engage with traumatic global events mindfully and compassionately. In an age where social media and the internet allow for real-time exposure to violence and conflict, individuals often experience overwhelm, desensitization, and compassion fatigue. GSW encourages practitioners to consciously engage…

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