I vividly remember that one night in Grade 5, many years ago, when our class went stargazing. We were in for a treat, the PAGASA astronomer said, Venus and Mars could be seen by the naked eye. Of course, I knew what Venus and Mars were, and I had a […]
In 2013, researchers Diogo Valadas Ponte and Lothar Schafer published a mind-blowing research that concluded: “The evolution of life now appears no longer as a process of the adaptation of species to their environment but as the adaptation of minds in increasing forms that exist in the cosmic potentiality”. In […]
It was 1987 when 1973 Nobel Prize in Physics awardee, Brian Jophenson wrote about the capacity of Quantum Physics to unify science and spirituality, but it is only today that we are slowly realizing the implications of his words. For Jophenson, the limits we have set in Science represent the […]
While the majority of us Filipinos are searching for a more “developed” future, a community of people in North Carolina, many of whom were professionals in their own right, have decided to leave the modern world to live simpler lives. Watch this video and look around their “campsite”. How is […]
Who needs neurotechnology if we have the capacity for telepathy? It was in 2014 when scientists were finally able to put on record a demonstration of brain-to-brain communication happening to individuals who are located miles apart. The experiment involved the transmission of data from a person located in Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala […]