The Evolution of Human Consciousness

Saturday, 9 AM – 5 PM


Many carry the scientifically erroneous belief that present-day human consciousness also prevailed from the beginning stages of human existence, on through the ancient civilizations, to the Graeco-Roman cultures, the Middle Ages and on down to our time. Such a belief has wrought tremendous misunderstanding on a whole range of topics and issues that continue to burden the search for creative solutions to today’s complex systemic challenges.

We will look at the scientific evidence that decisively shows that human consciousness evolved from unconscious participation in the creative processes of the world, to the gradual development of today’s current onlooker consciousness, and get a sense of the unfolding of conscious participatory consciousness that is emerging in our time, the latter finding expression in greater concern and care for humans and the planet. In the process, we will look at the evidence unearthed by linguistics, anthropology, developmental psychology, art, philosophy and other fields of study. We will then draw out the implications of the reality of evolving human consciousness as it plays our in ourselves and in the world.


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