Our Role In A World In Transition

In this September 29, 2023 article for The Pulse, Joe Martino reflects on the 2000 Hopi Prophecy highlighting the power of the individual to change his society. Martino highlights the idea that individuals have the power to bring about positive change and that they should not wait for others to lead or initiate change. He emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and proactive engagement in creating a better world, as opposed to relying on external leaders or institutions. The article encourages readers to take action and be the change they want to see in society.

Editor’s Note: This article is a great reminder of our time. The challenge ahead will be difficult, but it is not impossible. We already have what it takes to change our lives and our societies. If you have ever felt hopeless due to the many challenges we are facing as a civilization, we encourage you to read in full the article linked below.

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