When does consciousness arise?

The article explores the concept of human consciousness and its development, suggesting that consciousness may begin to emerge before birth and continue to evolve after birth. It discusses research indicating that fetuses exhibit behaviors suggesting awareness and responsiveness to stimuli in the womb. Additionally, the article suggests that environmental factors and early experiences after birth…

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Are Plants Conscious?

“The Intelligent Plant,” an article from The New Yorker, delves into the fascinating realm of plant intelligence. It explores the work of researchers who challenge traditional views of plants as passive organisms by demonstrating their capacity for communication, learning, and memory. The article discusses experiments indicating that plants can detect and respond to environmental cues,…

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Rebalancing the Masculine and Feminine: A New Paradigm for Societal Healing

In this article for The Pulse, Anne Baring says that all the problems in our societies stem from “the over-emphasis on the masculine archetype”. Baring clarifies that the terms “feminine” and “masculine” do not refer to gender, but to the “qualities that make up the wholeness of our being”. Editor’s Note: Embracing both masculine and…

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The Science of Intentionality: Why It Is Important To Dream of A Better Future

The following article discusses the interconnectedness between intention and synchronicity. It discusses how individuals’ intentions can influence the occurrence of meaningful coincidences in their lives. Drawing from Jungian psychology and quantum theory, the author proposes that intention sets the stage for synchronistic events to unfold, highlighting the role of consciousness in shaping reality. The article…

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James Tour Challenges Leading Researchers To Show Chemical Proof of Origin of Life

In this 24-minute video, James Tour issues a challenge to Origin-of-Life (OoL) researchers: show how life can be created through the chemical conditions of the early Earth. Tour frames his challenge into five questions. He says that if any of the OoL researchers he called on can answer just one of his questions, he will…

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Fine-tuning: Appreciating the Uniqueness of Humanity and of Life

The article discusses the concept of fine-tuning in the context of cosmology and physics. It explains that fine-tuning refers to the remarkable precision in the fundamental constants and parameters of the universe that allow life to exist. Scientists have observed that slight variations in these constants could result in a vastly different universe, possibly incompatible…

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Why Machines Can Never “Think”

Dr. Michael Egnor, a tenured research professor of neurosurgery at Stony Brook University, shares insights on human thought and artificial intelligence (AI). He discusses seminal research projects from the 20th century that offer deep insight into human thought. These include the work of neurosurgeons Wilder Penfield and Roger Sperry, as well as researcher Benjamin Libet.…

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Hugh Ross on Astrophysics, Fine Tuning and the Reality of God

In this 1-hour+ conversation, Brandon McGuire and astrophysicist Hugh Ross engage in thought-provoking discussions on the existence of God, the fine-tuning of the universe, and the moral message of the Bible. They explore the complexities of the universe and the limitations of naturalistic explanations, emphasizing the need for intervention and investigation. Ross presents scientific evidence…

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Deepak Chopra On the Role of Consciousness in Scientific Inquiry

The article presents an interview with Deepak Chopra, a renowned author, speaker, and advocate for holistic well-being. In the interview, Chopra discusses his perspective on the interconnectedness of consciousness, spirituality, and the universe. He explores the idea that humans are not separate from the universe but rather integral parts of it, emphasizing the importance of…

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One Field Documentary: Understanding the Nature of Reality and the Interconnectedness of All Things

The conversation revolved around personal experiences and perspectives on the nature of reality, the unknown, and the interconnectedness of all things. Speakers shared their experiences of traumatic events, out-of-body experiences, and conversations with loved ones, while others discussed the potential for instant communication through entanglement and the role of intention in shaping reality. The speakers…

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Rewriting the Origin of Life

The article discusses the amyloid hypothesis, a theory proposing that amyloid proteins, often associated with diseases like Alzheimer’s, played a crucial role in the origins of life on Earth. This hypothesis challenges conventional ideas about the role of RNA and DNA in early life forms. It suggests that amyloids may have served as primitive catalysts…

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The Road Not Taken: Human Freedom and Enlightenment

In this March 8, 2024 article, Dr. Vera Porter explores the significance of human thought and choice in shaping one’s life, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and free will. It contrasts material science with spiritual science, suggesting that humanity’s understanding has been limited by a focus on the material world. The article also touches…

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The Shifting Terrain of Scientific Inquiry

The conversation with David Kaiser on the shifting terrain of scientific inquiry offers a thought-provoking exploration of the evolving dynamics within the scientific community. Kaiser adeptly navigates through various topics, including the influence of technology on research practices, the impact of interdisciplinary collaborations, and the role of social and political factors in shaping scientific agendas.…

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Life Moves More Information Than Technology: What It Means for Humanity and The Earth

The article discusses the concept of life as a process of using and transferring information, in addition to traditional biological functions like reproduction and metabolism. It presents a recent paper estimating the total amount of information transferred per second by all life on Earth and compares it to similar estimates for all technology on Earth.…

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Thinking and Problem Solving Are Not Exclusive To Brains

The article presents fascinating research challenging conventional notions of cognition by suggesting that even simple cells possess problem-solving capabilities akin to those observed in more complex organisms. This research, conducted by scientists at the University of Paris, highlights the remarkable adaptability and intelligence of single-celled organisms like yeast. By demonstrating decision-making processes in these organisms,…

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Music Truly Is A Universal Language

The article on music evoking similar emotions and bodily sensations across cultures sheds light on the universality of musical experiences. By analyzing data from over 80,000 listeners across 60 countries, researchers discovered that despite cultural differences, people from diverse backgrounds consistently associate similar emotions and bodily sensations with specific musical features. This suggests that certain…

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The Physics of Spirituality

Nassim Haramein and Vishen Lakshani discuss the potential of controlling gravity, leading to flying cars and space travel. Haramein suggests that within 10 years, we could control gravity to some extent, revolutionizing transportation and potentially colonizing distant stars. They also explore the concept of particles entangling and forming micro wormholes, suggesting that teleportation could be…

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David Lorimer on Challenging the Assumptions of Western Science

In this interview, David Lorimer discusses the intersection of science, spirituality, and consciousness, highlighting the importance of evidence-based knowledge. It critiques the weaponization of terms like “pseudoscience” and the cultural policing in fields like parapsychology and complementary medicine. The conversation emphasizes the need for open-mindedness, humility, and respect for diverse perspectives in scientific discourse. This…

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Dr. Joe Dispenza: Change Your Reality, Feel It Until You Manifest It

Dr. Joe Dispenza speaks about the power of thoughts, emotions, and intentions in shaping our reality. He explains that our thoughts and feelings can influence our perception of reality, as well as our physical health. Our brain can rewire itself based on our thoughts and experiences, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. He suggests that consistent…

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